ESU Erfahrungsbericht: Stipendiatin Viviana Pezzullo

My name is Viviana Pezzullo and I am one of the participants of the European Summer University in Digital Humanties, recipient of the CLARIN-D Fellowship. I would love to publicly thank CLARIN-D for having given me the opportunity to take part in such an amazing experience that has allowed me to improve my project and to meet young scholars from all over the world.


ESU Erfahrungsbericht: Stipendiatin Cecília Magalhães

a two-week story about ESU in Digital Humanities in Leipzig University

By Cecília Magalhães - August 3th, 2018. 

The city of Leipzig was, in the two last weeks of July, the perfect stage for productive academic practices, concerning the Digital Humanities field. In this period, the "European Summer School in Digital Humanities", hosted by the University of Leipzig, offered a variety of workshops with distinct approaches, about textual and data analysis, XLM-TEI schemas, Data visualisation and so on. Further, the event was branded by international talks which, beyond of reinforcing some topics of the technical and theoretical subjects already practised in class, reminded us of the importance of actively taking part, as digital humanists, in the academic, political and social discussion into the global DH community.


ESU Erfahrungsbericht: Stipendiatin Laura Ivaska

Learning how to do Stylometry with style at the European Summer University in Digital Humanities 2018 in Leipzig

I was honored to attend the European Summer University in Digital Humanities “Culture and Technology” at the University of Leipzig in July 2018 as a CLARIN-D Fellow. During the two weeks, some hundred students and teachers from all over the world attended and taught workshops on various topics in Digital Humanities, ranging from Project Management to Reflected Text Analysis and from XML-TEI to Computer Vision. I participated in the workshop on Stylometry, a method to study the similarities and differences between (literary) texts that is often used for authorship attribution, that is, to answer questions such as who is Elena Ferrante and whether Robert Galbraith is actually J.K. Rowling.


ESU Erfahrungsbericht: Stipendiatin Linda Brandt

Ein Erfahrungsbericht über die „Culture & Technology“ - European Summer University in Digital Humanities in Leipzig

Text von Linda Brandt

Bereits zum 9. Mal fand im Zeitraum vom 17.07.-27.07.2018 an der Universität Leipzig die internationale Sommeruniversität für Digital Humanities statt, welche von einem Team um Elisabeth Burr, Professorin für französische, frankophone und italienische Sprachwissenschaft organisiert wurde. Jedes Jahr treffen sich dort für 11 Tage Studierende, Doktoranden, Postdocs und ProfessorInnen, um dort gemeinsam DH-bezogene Seminare, Vorlesungen, Exkursionen zu besuchen und um Einblicke in die Leipziger Stadtgeschichte zu erhalten. Dieses Jahr nahmen mehr als 100 TeilnehmerInnen aus über 30 Länder teil, die im Rahmen der ESU gemeinsam lernen und Erfahrungen sammeln konnten.


ESU Erfahrungsbericht: Stipendiat Erdal Ayan

A little About Me

My name is Erdal Ayan. I am an Academic Assistant in Herder Institut, Marburg, Germany. I have also been a master student in Informatics at Philipps University Marburg since September, 2017. Nowadays, I am working on data visualization, big data processing, text analysis and corpus building in scope of my study and workload at my institut. I am very curious about building up corpora for educational and research purposes.

Special Thanks to Supporters

Actually, I did not know about the summer university in Leipzig until I get an informative email from the head of my department, Barbara Fichtl, who also deserves special thanks by me. :) I want to thank CLARIN-D for providing me with fellowship, organizing committee of European Summer University for accepting me and administration of Herder Institut, Marburg for supporting me to take part in the workshop and academic activities during my stay in Leipzig. I do not want to forget to thank Prof.Dr.Elizabeth Burr and her hard working assistants for their efforts to welcome and host us for almost two weeks time in Leipzig.
